Upload Video Request Form

"You Create the Video —
We Upload It to ACES YouTube"

If you are in Extension, or part of the College of ACES, we are happy to share your video with the public on our YouTube channel. Please make sure your video is in its finished and approved state. Contact us if your video requires limited access for viewers.

Please read these instructions and fill out the form below.

Step 1: Make Sure You Have Permission (Copyright and Consent)

You are responsible for the copyright and permissions of videos posted. That means you should (1) be the creator of the video, (2) have written consent from anyone featured in your video, (3) have written consent to use copyrighted media, such as music or photographs which you did not create. It is possible to find copyright-free media on the internet, but pay close attention to attribution requirements.

Step 2: Understand Closed Captioning Requirements

In order to remain compliant with ADA Section 508, we are responsible for closed captioning all videos on the ACES YouTube channel. YouTube provides auto-captions on all videos, but that form of captioning is not compliant with the law because it lacks proper punctuation and capitalization, and is generally inaccurate. We will cover the cost for videos up to 15 minutes in length. If your video is longer than 15 minutes, we may opt to employ a captioning company, give you an estimated cost (usually $1.25/minute), and ask that you provide an index number. We will be in touch about captioning needs after your video is posted.

Step 3: Ensure ACES YouTube Is the Appropriate Venue

Advantages: (1) Reaches a wide audience of over 260,000 subscribers. (2) Curated by Innovative Media Research & Extension. (3) Statistics provided upon request.

Disadvantages: (1) Videos designed only for internal audiences are not accepted. All videos are released publicly. (2) The audience may be too general for specific marketing or program needs. (3) Time delay in processing requests.

Questions & Concerns

Contact us at: innovativevideo@nmsu.edu.

* Please note that all fields are required!

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service, please contact Tomilee Turner by at least two weeks prior at 575-646-7214. New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating.